Voyage With The Pirate King

Chapter 79 - Heart To Heart Quarrel

The desolate part of the island was incredibly tranquil with birds chirping praising the beautiful spring. This seemed like the perfect scenic spot ideal for a holiday with a lovely view of the clear blue sea.

But this serene environment was disturbed by a livid young man exuding an aura so terrifying that it sent all the birds packing and flowers folding their petals to reduce their presence lest this young master took his anger out on them. There simply passersby minding their own business.

Lucky for them, Ji Yao had no intentions of involving innocent parties in this issue. He knew exactly who to take his anger out on. As soon as he entered the cave it didn\'t take long for Qilin Hao to appear.

She would have been happy to see her son but the timing was just wrong. She was dressed in a sheer low cut white gown with her hair a mess like she had just ridden a car with her head sticking out of the window.

She was in the middle of kissing a passed out Ji Wen whose head lay on her lap when Ji Yao somehow managed to open a communication channel between them without needing her permission. That\'s because his Qilin genes had been activated and were currently dominating his aether.

Ji Yao who was forced to witness his parents making out blurted out, "What the fuck!" Let\'s forgive his language. He would never say that in the presence of his mother but damn... the shock was real.

Qilin Hao, "...."

He wasn\'t the only one caught by surprise. Qilin Hao looked like a five year old that had been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Not only did she rob Ji Wen without consulting either of them she was also caught taking a nibble out of the stolen bounty.

This wasn\'t supposed to happen though because she was the one who always took the initiative to open a communication channel with Ji Yao, not the other way around. When she felt his presence in the cave she would open a channel but apparently, Ji Yao didn\'t need her permission anymore.

It was like someone dialling a phone number and the recipient\'s phone answering the call without the owner pressing the green button.

It was then she realised that Ji Yao\'s Qilin side had awakened but she had no time to celebrate because Ji Yao was pissed.

"Are you kidding me right now? Why?" he asked with a sharp pain in his chest. She left him and all he had was his father. Now she had taken Ji Wen away from him without any consent.

For a moment Qilin Hao was at a loss for words. She had a lot to say but didn\'t know where to start. In her mind, she had done absolutely nothing wrong. Yes, she had taken the man away against his will but why should she apologize to Ji Yao? The only person she should apologize to would be Ji Wen for kidnapping him but even then there was less than one per cent she would apologize.

"What do you mean by asking me why? He is my husband," she spoke with a slightly brittle voice. Her eyes stung but she swallowed back the emotions threatening to spill over.

Ji Yao could feel his mother\'s emotions but he didn\'t care. He had just discovered the boy he feared the most was the only person he could touch and he desperately needed his father by his side but his estranged mother took him away. How was he supposed to deal with that life-changing news and also rule the concord and the sea?

It was like he turned eighteen and the veil of childhood was abruptly pulled off introducing him to adulting all at once. He needed his daddy by his side, period.

"You abandoned me and left us to fend for ourselves only to turn around and take him... yet you have the audacity to ask me what do you mean by why? Were you expecting me to be happy for you and wish you a happy ending?"

As Ji Yao\'s emotions spilt over his eyes reddened. The moment he started speaking he couldn\'t hold back anymore. He spilt his guts out with zero constraints without considering the other person\'s feelings. Whether the words were hurtful or not they were said.

This is when Qilin Hao lost her shit. She wasn\'t about to take this from her cub that had just stepped into adulthood. Despite being in the wrong in so many ways she spoke from her heart. Whether it would ruin their relationship held up by a string of dental floss or not she still said it.

"No, you aren\'t allowed to say that to me...I am sorry but I won\'t take that shit from you.... I have been treated like a piece of shit all my life despite my freaking status as a fucking princess. Just when I thought I could finally be happy and do whatever the fuck I want, I had to leave the love of my life and my beautiful cub behind."

"For eighteen fuckin years I was forced to stay in this godforsaken place but the minute I decide to do something for myself for once, you waltz in here and question my decision? Ha!... You had him for eighteen freaking years but the one time I take him to accompany me for whatever little time I have left, you have a problem with it."

"At your age, you should have already left the nest and started your own family with your spouse. You should be cultivating feelings with that boy instead of sticking to your father like glue. You have to grow up at some point and become the man that you are supposed to be. How do you expect to do that when he is always around to baby you...," she said channelling her inner gen X parenting style.

She had used generation X\'s favourite words and I quote \'when I was your age I had to walk ten kilometres to school but you can\'t even wake up early to join a zoom call for class.\' One way to describe gen X parenting style would be \'exaggerating the tiniest detail to educate you\'. Please do share your favourite generation X parent\'s most famous exaggerated life lesson.....

Ji Yao was stomped for words. A lot of things were said including the boyfriend thing which was completely unnecessary. Words like \'whatever little time I have left\' and \'doing something for myself\' were jumbled in his mind alongside the boyfriend thing.

He clenched his fist before doing the most impulsive thing he had ever done. He dove into the pool with a dark expression. Qilin

Hao seemed to have a sneaking suspicion of what he was about to do. She only wanted to express her emotions not lose a son in the end.. She called out to him but of course, Ji Yao ignored her.

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